Colm’s Picks of the Week

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mortimer’s Christmas Manger by Karma Wilson is SUCH a cute book. Mortimer (the mouse) is tired of living in his little mouse hole when he stumbles upon a little house set up in the people house he lives in. It is just his size so he decides to move in except there are all these little people statues in the way and a baby statue is in the bed. He moves all the statues, kicks the baby out of bed and settles in until one day he is listening to the family and realizes whose house he is sleeping in. Very cute.

Perfect Man by Troy Wilson about made me cry. It’s about a boy who is a fanatic about his favorite superhero, Perfect Man. PF retires about the same time school starts up again and the boy is convinced that his new teacher is Perfect Man because of all the superhero things his teacher does. Seriously, I got choked up a little bit.

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