I NEED a Good Book

Monday, September 15, 2008

I have had a hard time in the literary department lately. The last book I read was okay, but nothing to write home about. I didn’t even finish it. For the past week or so I have been trying to get into this book, but I just couldn’t. I never abandon a book after I have read over 100 pages of it. I figure if I have invested this much time, I might as well finish it out. I couldn’t with this one though. It just wasn’t about anything. The story was going absolutely NOWHERE!!! So, if anyone has any suggestions, they would be GREATLY appreciated.


  1. Candy says:

    i am reading The Shack right now….grab it as fast as you can!

  2. danack says:

    Try Mrs. Kimble by Jennifer Haigh (2005). I couldn’t put it down.

    That said, DO NOT read Fall on Your Knees, which I am trying to get through right now. Slow + depressing is not my kind of book. : (

  3. Random Human Ecologist says:

    Have you read:
    1. Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
    2. Gilead
    3. Time Travelers Wife
    4. About Alice
    Also, are you on “Good Reads”–that is a fun web page to get recommendations from your friends

  4. Jenny Robinson says:

    The Twilight series by Stefanie Meyer is really hot at the middle and high schools right now. They are the most requested books at both levels. I have read the first two in the series and couldn’t put them down. They are about teenage vampires. You might give them a try.

  5. Sean says:

    Well, if you could drag yourself away from the Oprah Book club long enough to appreciate some real literature, I might be able to help you….


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